FREE digital resources?

When you purchase a Leader Kit, you get access to digital downloads to help you get the most out of each session. Questions? Problems? Call 800-695-3387, email us at curriculumspecialist [at], or contact us here.


Click here to watch a video about the 6 things you need to know about PowerPoint. A PowerPoint show is provided to accompany each session. The slides are supplementary, providing extra visuals, illustrations, and other items as they relate to the session. It may help in a large classroom setting to keep students tracking along, reminding them of the major Q&A or what Scripture passage you’re studying.

And you don’t have to have a projector or computer to use them … There’s a bunch of great stuff in them, like stats or other creative ideas, so you can just flip through for more discussion tidbits!

Go through each slideshow before class and think about the most effective way to use them with your students. Note that these slide shows are copyrighted and may not be distributed.

Digital Devotional

Click here to watch a video on using the Journal effectively. The printed student devotional Journal contains 13 sessions with Scripture passages and questions for the students to reflect on during the week. The digital devotional contains the same Scripture and questions as the printed version. The electronic text can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Email: Copy and paste the day’s Scripture passage and question. Send it to your group or individuals and invite them to reply. Use the opportunity to remind them that you are praying for them.
  • Text: Send your students a text message of a verse or question. Or simply remind them of the weekly major question and answer. You may also use texting to ask how their week is going or check in another way.
  • Facebook/group website: Post the verse and question on your group’s page and encourage interaction. Your students will enjoy hearing others’ thoughts and ideas, and it may encourage them to do their devotions on their own when they see peer responses.


We’ll be adding to the website all the time, so check back often! You can also subscribe to Resources using the RSS feed [subscribe above] so you’ll never miss new content.

How are you using these resources with your group? Let us know by posting a comment below!

3 Responses to FREE digital resources?
  1. George Baker
    January 23, 2022 | 6:27 pm

    I’m teaching the “Identity and Purpose” series and can’t find where to download the powerpoint dgital extra. Please send exact website.

  2. Amber Stokes
    March 14, 2019 | 10:40 am

    Hi I ordered the knowing the God who is leader kit and I’m trying to find out how to get the digital devotionals. Could you please provide some assistance? Thank you so much!

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