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Contented or complaining?
What’s the key to joy?
How do I handle anxiety?
Philippians is a favorite book of the Bible for teens of all ages—great for those who don’t know the Lord and treasured by those who’ve walked with him since they were young. Equip your students to “shine as lights in the world,” “hold fast to the word of life,” and “count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ our Lord.”
This is an excellent study for all teens, including middle and high school students. The first six sessions focus on learning Bible study skills while learning life-changing truths. You will never read the Bible the same way again!
See what’s in a Leader Kit and Student Pack.
Sessions in this Study
Download Sessions at a Glance PDF
UNIT 1: Learning Bible Truths and Study Skills (6 weeks)
Session 1
Q. Who were these people in Philippi anyway?
A. They were a diverse mix of people including a businesswoman, a slave girl, and a jailer—all who became believers in Jesus through Paul’s ministry.
Scripture: Acts 16, various passages in Philippians
Truth: Partnership in the Gospel / Skill: Historical Context
Session 2
Q. How does observation help me understand Scripture?
A. Outlining a chapter of the Bible gives greater understanding of an author’s meaning, which leads to deeper discovery of God’s truth.
Scripture: Philippians 1
Truth: Praying Scripture / Skill: Observation through Outline
Session 3
Q. How does exploring the life of Paul give more insight into his letter?
A. Learning more about an author’s background gives weight and context to his message.
Scripture: Philippians 1:12–30
Truth: “To live is Christ; to die is gain” / Skill: Author Background
Session 4
Q. A concordance—huh, what’s that?
A. A concordance lists words and Scripture references, enabling me to do a word study, which enhances my understanding of the Bible.
Scripture: Various passages in Philippians
Truth: Joy in All Circumstances / Skill: Word Study Using Concordance
Session 5
Q. What’s the main point of studying the Bible?
A. The Bible helps me understand and believe that God saves his people from sin through the life, death, resurrection, and exaltation of Jesus.
Scripture: Philippians 2:1–11
Truth: Person and Work of Christ / Skill: Discovering Main Theme
Session 6
Q. How can I interpret unusual phrases and figurative speech in the Bible?
A. Interpreting the Bible includes comparing Scripture with Scripture and analyzing its language styles.
Scripture: Philippians 2:12–30
Truth: Shine as Lights / Skill: Comparing Scripture with Scripture
UNIT 2: Applying Bible Truths and Study Skills (7 weeks)
Session 7
Q. Can our good works make us right with God?
A. No, righteousness—right standing with God—is a gift from God and is received only through faith in Christ, not through any of our good works.
Scripture: Philippians 3:1–11
Truth: Justification by Faith
Session 8
Q. How is my Christian life like a race?
A. It requires perseverance to the finish line. Don’t quit; keep running to the end, drawing on your power source—Christ in you—and growing in spiritual maturity.
Scripture: Philippians 3:7–4:1
Truth: Union with Christ
Session 9
Q. Justification, sanctification, glorification—what difference do these make?
A. These big truths help me persevere: I know that my salvation depends on Christ alone, my growth is powered by the Holy Spirit, and my body will be raised from the dead.
Scripture: Philippians 3:3–21
Truth: Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification
Session 10
Q. Why is it important to stand firm in Christ?
A. So we can grow in resolving conflicts, experiencing joy, replacing anxiety with prayer and thanksgiving, and controlling our thought life.
Scripture: Philippians 4:1–9
Truth: Standing Firm in Christ
Session 11
Q. How can I learn to be content in both good and bad times?
A. By understanding that God is in control and uses both my strengths and weaknesses, I can learn to be satisfied with what he’s doing in my life.
Scripture: Philippians 4:10–13
Truth: Contentment
Session 12
Q. Can I really afford to give generously to others?
A. Yes, I can give freely and abundantly because I trust God as my Provider.
Scripture: Philippians 4:14–23
Truth: Generosity and God’s Provision
Session 13
Q. What is Paul’s letter to the Philippians all about?
A. Paul wrote to encourage us to grow in Christ and follow Christ’s example of joyful, humble service to God and others.
Scripture: Various passages in Philippians
How long is your shipping for the So what bible study? I need 1 leaders guide and 8 student packs sent to PA.
Our U.S. orders typically take only 2 days to arrive after ordering. Thanks!
This is the best curriculum we’ve ever used!! I’ve been teaching for two years and we have tried a half dozen. I am going to tell our coordinator that she’s hit a homerun with this one and we should continue to use it! Kudos to you for creating an inductive study to teach teens how to study the Bible for themselves!
I can’t afford the packets. Do u have just the student book alone?
Thank you for inquiring about our studies. The packs cannot be divided and must be ordered as a whole. We understand that many smaller churches or groups have a limited budget and materials can be a stretch. We are a non-profit company, so our margins are very small and we are unable to offer discounts.
In our experience, we have found that these smaller churches get very creative in funding their teen Bible studies. The leaders will explain how important it is to study God’s Word as a group and individually and then ask students to pitch in $5-10 of their own money, or the group might do a fund-raising project to pay for the books, etc.
I hope you will be able to find a way to fund your studies and that your group will grow closer and deeper in the Lord for having studied his Word together.
I am very interested in getting this material for our teens.
Paulette is available to help with orders or questions! Call 800-695-3387, email at curriculumspecialist [at], or contact us here.