A Study of Romans

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Does the gospel matter?
Why is the world so messed up?
Just as if I never sinned … really?
Why do I struggle with sin?

Identity, the future, failure, friends, drugs, sexuality, rebellion, stress, violence—our teens need help coping with the decisions and pressures facing them. Does studying the book of Romans meet their needs? Absolutely!

Romans addresses their deepest need—God’s grace in their lives through faith in Christ. Paul explains the profoundly wonderful implications and applications of the gospel in Romans. Although this study isn’t exhaustive—how could it be in 13 sessions?—your teens will read every chapter, discussing what they’ve read. Download a free lesson!

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Sessions in this Study

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UNIT 1: Sin (3 weeks)

Session 1

Q. Does the gospel matter?
A. Yes, the gospel matters because it is God’s powerful plan to save all who put their trust in Christ.

Scripture: Romans 1:1–17

Session 2

Q. Why is the world so messed up?
A. Rebellion against God is the root cause of the world’s problems. God’s wrath is revealed against the wicked, including the self-righteous.

Scripture: Romans 1:16–2:29

Session 3

Q. Just as if I never sinned … really?
A. Yes, because Christ died as my substitute and God declares me not guilty.

Scripture: Romans 3

UNIT 2: Salvation (2 weeks)

Session 4

Q. Can’t I earn my salvation by doing good works?
A. No, God justifies me by his grace through faith in Christ alone.

Scripture: Romans 4

Session 5

Q. But wait! There’s more?
A. Since God has justified us, we have peace with God and much, much more.

Scripture: Romans 5

UNIT 3: Sanctification (4 weeks)

Session 6

Q. Wanted: dead and alive?
A. Yes! Because of my union with Christ, I should consider myself dead to sin and alive to Christ, presenting every part of my being to him as an instrument of righteousness.

Scripture: Romans 6

Session 7

Q. Why do I still struggle with sin?
A. There is a war between the remnant of my old self and the new nature that the Spirit has given me.

Scripture: Romans 7

Session 8

Q. Where can believers find help?
A. The Holy Spirit is the power source to live as a Christian.

Scripture: Romans 8:1–27

Session 9

Q. If God is for us, who can be against us?
A. God works everything together for good in our lives. No one can be against us or separate us from God’s love.

Scripture: Romans 8:28–39

UNIT 4: Sovereignty (1 week)

Session 10

Q. How can I know if God has chosen me?
A. If I am trusting in Christ alone for salvation, then I can know that God has chosen me—not because of anything I have done—but because he has shown me mercy.

Scripture: Romans 9–11

UNIT 5: Service (3 weeks)

Session 11

Q. Who, me—a living sacrifice?
A. Because of God’s mercies, it is reasonable to give myself to him as a living sacrifice. God’s Word renews my mind and the Holy Spirit transforms me to grow in Christ-likeness.

Scripture: Romans 12

Session 12

Q. How am I to relate to government, and what do I owe to Christ and others?
A. I am to submit to the government because it is under God’s authority, and I owe love to others. I am to put on Christ and avoid those things that tempt me to sin.

Scripture: Romans 13

Session 13

Q. How should I treat believers who are different from me?
A. Don’t despise or judge other Christians or tempt them to sin. Do love them by following the example of Christ.

Scripture: Romans 14–16

3 Responses to A Study of Romans
  1. Samantha Williams
    July 31, 2021 | 5:02 pm

    As I am in the UK, is it possible to have this resource as a download and if so, how much would it cost?


  2. kaddu.Ezekeri
    April 8, 2014 | 5:14 pm

    Today the all world needs is God’s Word through media available to spread the word of God in all networks! God bless you all with this wonderful teachings from the Bible you share with us to increasing our faith in God’s Kingdom!

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