Video: 6 Things about PowerPoint

Have you downloaded your FREE PowerPoint shows to use with each session of So What? youth Bible studies? Are you using them with your group? Check out this video for the 6 things you need to know—plus some great tips and examples of what’s included!

And you don’t have to have a projector or computer to use them … There’s a bunch of great stuff in them, like stats or other creative ideas, so you can just flip through for more discussion tidbits!

When you purchase a Leader Kit, you have access to digital downloads. Log in to your account at and click on the Digital Downloads tab in My Account. Questions? Problems? Call 800-695-3387, email Beth at curriculumspecialist [at], or contact us here.

One Response to Video: 6 Things about PowerPoint
  1. Michelle Brown
    October 13, 2011 | 11:10 am

    Our teens love these it seems. We did a getting to know you for the first week, but on the second week when we started the first lesson with the PowerPoint, one of the guys let out an “oh cool.” We are very thankful for all the different ways you have provided for the teens to interact with the lesson! (comment via Facebook)

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