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Who is Jesus?
“I’m spiritual but not religious”—is that enough?
How is Jesus the Light of the World?
Why are Jesus’ words of eternal life confusing—or even offensive—to many people?
In A Study of John 1–10, students have the opportunity to listen to the greatest Teacher of all—Jesus, God himself in the flesh—when he walked this earth. In this eyewitness account written by “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” we find Jesus using everyday items and events to teach deep spiritual truths, and everyone—including your teens—must either believe or reject him.
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Sessions in this Study
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UNIT 1: John 1–2 (4 weeks)
Session 1
Q. Who is Jesus?
A. Jesus is the Word, the True Light, God in the flesh, full of grace and truth.
Scripture: John 1:1–18
Session 2
Q. Who was this wild man?
A. John the Baptist was God’s appointed witness to prepare people for the Messiah by proclaiming the identity of Jesus.
Scripture: John 1:19–34
2 Kings 2:1–11; Malachi 4:5–6; Deuteronomy 18:15; Isaiah 40:3–9; Matthew 3:1–6; Isaiah 53:6–8; Joel 2:28; Acts 2:38; Genesis 1:1; John 1:1–3, 14
Session 3
Q. Who were the first five?
A. Andrew, Simon Peter, Philip, Nathanael, and probably the author of John became Jesus’ disciples, recognizing him as the promised Messiah.
Scripture: John 1:35–51
Session 4
Q. How did Jesus begin to demonstrate his divine authority?
A. Jesus miraculously changed water to wine and ran the merchants out of the temple.
Scripture: John 2
Psalm 139:23–24
UNIT 2: John 3–5 (4 weeks)
Session 5
Q. “I’m spiritual but not religious”—is that enough?
A. No, you must be born again.
Scripture: John 3:1–21
Ezekiel 36:25–27
Session 6
Q. How did the wild man answer questions about Jesus?
A. John the Baptist confirmed that Jesus is the Christ. Those who believe in Jesus Christ have eternal life.
Scripture: John 3:22–36
John 1:20–23; Isaiah 61:10, 62:5; Ephesians 5:25b–27
Session 7
Q. How does Jesus’ food satisfy thirst?
A. Jesus described his food as doing his Father’s will. He offers living water to all who thirst.
Scripture: John 4
Session 8
Q. Why would the Jewish leaders want to kill Jesus?
A. Because Jesus claimed to be equal with God the Father.
Scripture: John 5
UNIT 3: John 6–8 (3 weeks)
Session 9
Q. Why are Jesus’ words of eternal life confusing—or even offensive—to many people?
A. Because Jesus says “I am the bread of life,” declaring that only he can give eternal life.
Scripture: John 6
Session 10
Q. What did people think of Jesus?
A. Some said Jesus was a good man or even a prophet, others thought he was a deceiver or worse, while still others rightly acknowledged that he was the Christ.
Scripture: John 7
Session 11
Q. What does Jesus do that only God can do?
A. Jesus brings freedom from the enslaving power of sin, reveals truth, and gives eternal life.
Scripture: John 8
UNIT 4: John 9–10 (2 weeks)
Session 12
Q. How is Jesus the Light of the World?
A. Jesus is the light of salvation to everyone who believes. Those who reject him remain spiritually blind.
Scripture: John 9
Session 13
Q. How is Jesus our Good Shepherd?
A. Jesus laid down his life for his sheep. He knows, leads, and protects us.
Scripture: John 10
Hi, I am from Scotland in the UK and your resource looks very good. How do I get a copy of the leader’s kit?
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I was looking around for Bible study questions on the Gospel of John, for the whole chapters 1 and 2, and I came across these question with their answers——just what I was looking for. We want to teach our students and ground them in the Word as we begin with the first chapter. Thank you.
We are so glad you found our study on John 1-10 and that it will be beneficial to you. We hope you will enjoy it as you and the students study God’s Word together. Be sure to check out our other studies too!
My husband I have are the youth pastors at a small church of around 25 youth. I ran across this website as I was searching for a curriculum to help teens understand who is God? Why do I exist? I like the gospels of John studies and the Knowing God one. Which one would you suggest I start with?
We’re glad you have found our studies and know your group will find them very engaging and helpful with their questions. The student packs are critical to helping them really get into the Word on their own during the week and then be able engage in the group discussions you will have.
Where you begin with the studies really depends on your group and what you’re wanting to focus on first. From your note, I think Knowing the God Who Is sounds like a good place to start, but you can never go wrong with the gospel of John! You can download a free sample lesson of each and see which one seems like the best fit for your group. Read this article too!
I am teaching 5th and 6th graders. I do like this study that you have and would really like to have more on John and other studies as well.
I gave this to one of our small group leaders. After working though it, she looked at me and said: “This. Is. Perfect!!!” Thank you for clear, reformed, covenantal, Christ-centered material that engages the next generation. Love. It.
I’m looking for a study to do at home with my 13 year old daughter. These studies look amazing – but do you think they would work in a home setting? Thanks.
We have had many parents use the studies in a home setting successfully. We recommend that you have your own student packet and go through the lessons with your daughter. The journals will encourage both of you to be in God’s Word daily. Let us know how it goes!
We are loving your studies, but it is difficult to tell when a new lesson changes in the students book & journal. Thanks for the easy to find book of John. We also use copies of the whole ESV Bible (paperbacks). This helps them practice looking up books in the Bible. But the separate ‘Book of John’ ESV has helped our nonchurched youth get more comfortable with reading from the Bible. Also, we only have 30 minutes for Sunday School, so we usually divide the lessons into 2 parts. It seems to happen at a natural place. In future you may want to think about providing a plan for this option. Thanks, In Christ, Barbara Haigler
Thanks for the great feedback! We are constantly working to provide the best studies for teens, so your suggestions help a lot. We are so thankful God is using this study in your church and pray that the gospel becomes real to your teens. Thank you for your ministry to them!
My small group of teens are loving this series of John. They are acting out scripture during reading and getting a feel for what it was like in 1st Century. Tying in the So What of the lessons is so easy and it’s great seeing the kids get excited about it. Tonight we had the kids over for an informal dinner and watched St John in Exile (with Dean Jones). As they were leaving, one girl said to me she can’t wait for Sunday morning to see what comes next in our study of John. Thank you GCP for this applicable series. (comment via Facebook)
What a wonderful testimony! We are thrilled these studies are making biblical truth real to your teens. Thank you for your ministry to them.