Which study should we do?

This is a question we get a lot … Which study should my group start next?

To help you decide, here’s a breakdown of all 10 studies by category. Which biblical concepts or themes have you studied and which ones does your group need to focus on?

Loving God & His Word

Book Studies: Understanding the Person & Work of Christ All So What? studies

Forming a Biblical Worldview

Nurturing Love for Christ’s Church

You can also check out this PDF, which gives you a great overview of our studies. (Share it with others!) Or our very own Infographic…

Here are some examples of how to pair up studies or plan to use So What? in your ministry:

  • Identity & Purpose is our foundational study on biblical worldview. It digs into Genesis 1–3 to lay the groundwork for a Christian’s view of God, man, sin, and redemption. Then use The Christian Mind, which further builds on Identity & Purpose to create a biblical worldview.

We are always available to discuss options and help you get the most out of So What? studies. Email us or call 800-695-3387.

Download a free sample lesson to see what the study is about, or go to Studies to see the 13-session overview and intro video for each.

We pray that God will use these studies to impact your students’ lives and help them grow as disciples of Christ!

Do you have other ideas or ways you’ve used So What? studies? Share below …

2 Responses to Which study should we do?
  1. Lavonne Ponstein
    April 15, 2016 | 10:37 am

    Our ministry divided each lesson in the series So What – Our Identity and Purpose into two lessons. We are working with a large portion of unchurched teens and each lesson was too much for our teens. We divided them so we could take two weeks to address the question and the answer of each lesson. Our first part of the lesson would deal with the “why should we consider this belief” – the second part of the lesson would deal with the “How would this look in my life.” For our teens it was much more effective because for many of them it was the first time to consider these truths. We were thrilled with the solid foundation and Christian worldview this study laid down in our students’ heart, minds, and lives.

    • So What? Studies
      May 17, 2017 | 9:57 am

      Great idea! We are so happy when youth leaders take our studies and adapt for their specific settings. Our studies are designed to provide you with all you need to disciple your youth—and flexible to fit your needs. Thank you for the feedback!

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