In John 19, Jesus said “Tetelestai” from the cross—“It is finished.” To close this study of the incredible sacrifice of our Savior, you may want volunteers to play or read the words of a hymn that focuses on Jesus’ sacrifice.
Here are a few suggested songs from Trinity Hymnal.
My Tribute (640)
Nothing but the Blood (307)
Beneath the Cross of Jesus (251)
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross (264)
And Can It Be that I Should Gain (455)
Jesus Paid It All (308)
Whether your church sings great old hymns of the faith or ones written by 21st-century 20-year-olds, your teenagers will be greatly enriched in their understanding and worship by reading and singing these hymns.
What other songs did you use? Post a reply with a link to new recordings of classic hymns or other songs you found.