Philippians Extras: Concordances

The title of Session 4 of A Study of Philippians is “A Concordance—Huh, What’s That?” As your students study Philippians, they are also learning valuable Bible study skills that will serve them the rest of their lives. They will explore how to do a word study using a concordance of the words joy, glad, and rejoice.

We are blessed to live in an era when you can access powerful concordances and other Bible tools online or through apps. Here’s a link to an ESV online concordanceESVConcordance-bk

However, it would be great for your students to explore an actual printed concordance. Bring in several examples, such as Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the ESV Comprehensive Concordance, or Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible for them to flip through. (Check with your pastor if you don’t own one.) Note that many study Bibles have limited concordances on the back pages.

In this session, we printed an example of a concordance in the Examine book to help them do a word study of joy, glad, and rejoice in the ESV Bible translation, so no extra materials are required to teach this valuable Bible study skill.

Did you bring in a printed concordance? What were your students’ reactions?

Click here for more resources for A Study of Philippians.


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