Are you leading Treasuring God’s Word? Here are some extras to enhance your sessions. What other ideas do you have? Post them below!
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Here are several infographics that you or your students might enjoy. These are just some interesting items we’ve run across as we compiled this study. (Note that each site has different permission guidelines for use and/or distribution. Also, just because we direct you to an external site doesn’t mean we’ve reviewed everything on it or endorse it.)
Books of the Bible arranged like a Periodical Chart
It’s like science class!
Bible Cross References
A computer visualization of all the cross-references found in the Bible; the Bible references itself 340,000 times.
The Reliability of the New Testament
Another look at the amazing amount of manuscripts for the New Testament versus other ancient documents; similar to the chart on page 14 of the Examine 1–3 booklet
The Bible in a Timeline
Another look at the Bible in timeline form