“I can’t memorize! I don’t have time.”
But all of us do memorize: names, song lyrics, directions, and more. As you read Scripture, a certain verse may pop out at you and you might think, “That hits me. I need to remember that.” See the tips below on ways to hide God’s Word in your heart (Psalm 119:11).
• Write the verse and reference on a card. Tape it to your bathroom mirror.
• Read it aloud multiple times, emphasizing different words each time.
• Meditate on it. Don’t try to memorize it yet; just chew on it for a while.
• Personalize it by putting it into your own words. Replace pronouns with your name, if appropriate.
• Pray through it. Thank God for it and ask him to help you live out its truth.
• Share it. Tell others what it means and how it is significant to you.
• Review it daily until you know it word for word along with the reference.
What are some ways you’ve encouraged your teens to hide God’s Word in their hearts?