Session 7: Worshiping God

Leader Guide: Worshiping GodAre you leading Worshiping God? Here are some extras to enhance your sessions. What other ideas do you have? Post them below!

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Session 7: Pray for the persecuted church

In this session, we discover why God includes the preaching of his Word when his people gather to worship. For many preachers, this is a risky activity that may threaten life, health, family, livelihood, or property.

Why not take 10 minutes at the end of the session to pray for persecuted pastors around the world?

Mission to the World put together this Prayer Guide to help us think through the many issues faced by missionaries (which pastors face as well). Use it during the session or challenge your students to use it during their devotions this week.

Click here for more resources for Worshiping God.


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