Philippians Extras: Persecuted Church

In session 3 of A Study of Philippians, on Philippians 1:12–30, students will read of Paul’s many persecutions and consider how Christians are harassed, maligned, imprisoned, and even killed for Christ today.

Use this opportunity to teach your teenagers that true followers of Jesus can expect deep joy and peace but also suffering. Our suffering will likely be different from Paul’s. We may not have to face martyrdom, but we may endure rejection, ridicule, misunderstanding, and more. SW-Phil-Ses3-persecuted-web

Encourage your students to faithfully follow and serve their Lord, even when it is hard to do so. Point out that those who share in Christ’s suffering will also share in his glory (Rom. 8:17).

You may want to visit some of these websites ahead of time to focus on current, specific needs around the world. (Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of all content on these websites.)

You can also download this Prayer Guide from Mission to the World (Presbyterian Church in America mission organization) for missionaries and persecuted Christians. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church publishes New Horizons each month, which lists missionaries and churches your students can pray for.

Take time to close this session with prayers for the persecuted church.

What were your students’ reactions? 

Click here for more resources for A Study of Philippians.


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